Sunday 3 August 2014

A Second Hello - the Backstory

My better half.

I'm not sure where to begin without repeating some of the introductory points about our wedding already raised by Mirriam. So while I figure out how to continue from her blog post, I thought I would share a little story about us.

I knew I had found a keeper when, amongst many other things, she decided (despite all the money in the world I did not have) to eschew a diamond engagement ring in favour of a pledge to donate its equivalent value to a charitable cause that we both feel strongly for. We wanted to honour our joyous occasion not with a stone that would adorn her finger, but with an act which we felt would be in accordance with the values we both aspire to live by - as individuals, and even more so in unity, to leave the world a slightly better place than we found it.

To Mirriam: I like you oh-so-very-much. You really are my favourite (and only) wife.

So here she is, my better half.

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